Monday, January 14, 2008

5 Ways to Keep Your SEO Resolution for 2008

Leveraging social media in 2008 will be a transformative process in the real estate industry. It is not rocket science. It does not hurt. It begins just like your decision to quit eating fast food or your promise to visit the gym twice a week.

As you try to grow healthy, realize that pay-per-click ads and costly lead generation systems are the French fries of the fast-food real estate world. You pay a premium for them, the quality is all over the board, and a lot of times you get the fries that have been sitting under a warmer for hours.

To help your business “get fit,” you have to take control of the problem.

Here are a few simple steps:

1. Join the conversation: At least once a week, visit your online community and interact.

2. Educate yourself: Pick up a book or visit a blog at least once a month and read about the subject.

3. Be realistic: Social media is not a “get fit quick” program. It takes effort and commitment. Write down realistic business goals and consult with a professional who can help you reach them.

4. Stand out from the crowd: Look at problems from an out-of-the-box viewpoint.

5. Budget appropriately: A lot of the best stuff on the Web is free. Yet $5 will not rain success down onto your business. Budget your time and money appropriately. Committing to a serious long-term plan for the year is a way to connect all of your business goals together and prevent yourself from falling into wasting money on fast-food options. Being healthy starts today.


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